Revolutionizing Heraklion’s Water Network – Smart meters and leak detection for sustainable management

Olympios Group completed an innovative project in the water management network of Municipal Water & Sewerage Utility of Heraklion (Crete), focused on achieving sustainable water resource management and active leak detection. The scope featured the installation of smart water meters and comprehensive flow measurement systems, aimed to reduce water losses and leakages while promoting efficient and responsible water usage.
The Challenge
The Municipal Water & Sewerage Utility of Heraklion faced significant challenges due to its outdated infrastructure, which led to inefficiencies in managing water resources. Without real-time data, detecting and fixing leaks was slow, resulting in high operational costs and an unreliable water supply, particularly during peak summer months. Frequent network damage worsened the situation, and the lack of proper monitoring tools made sustainable water management nearly impossible. As water demand grew, especially in this popular tourist destination, the need for a lasting solution became even more urgent.
The Solution
The solution involved a comprehensive upgrade to Heraklion’s water management system, focused on improving efficiency, sustainability, and real-time monitoring. A key part of the solution was the installation of 5,600 advanced smart water meters throughout the city’s water network. These meters were integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) that allowed the Municipal Water & Sewerage Utility of Heraklion to monitor water usage, identify leaks, and manage distribution in real time.
In addition to smart meters, flow measurement systems were deployed at key points in the network to monitor water pressure and ensure optimized distribution across the system. This combination of technologies enabled the utility to detect and address inefficiencies quickly, reducing water losses, Non-Revenue Water (NRW), and operational costs.
The solution also included an advanced leak detection system, which significantly improved the speed and accuracy of identifying and repairing leaks. This minimized water waste and prevented further damage to the infrastructure. By integrating these tools, the project ensured more efficient water management and helped the utility achieve long-term sustainability in resource usage.
The Results
The project delivered impressive improvements across key areas of water management network:
  • Enhanced water supply reliability, especially during peak demand
  • Efficient real-time monitoring and management of water resources
  • Substantial reduction in leakages, leading to lower water loss
  • Continuous pressure monitoring for optimized water distribution
  • Reduced frequency of network damage and lowered operational costs