Remote Control, Monitoring System & SCADA Integration in Thessaloniki Water Supply & Sewerage Co S.A. (EYATH)

Thessaloniki Water Supply & Sewerage Co S.A. (EYATH) provides water supply and sewerage services to more than 1.2 million residents in Thessaloniki Urban Area. The company’s water supply system is characterized by numerous separate municipal districts. EYATH acknowledged the significance of adopting a strategic asset management approach to ensure the sustainability of its infrastructure.
“Olympios Group of Companies recognized this approach and installed an integrated Remote Monitoring System, in EYATH’s Local Control Stations, related to pumping stations and water tanks, that were not previously included in the existing telemetry system.”
The integration of information from multiple data sources, such as SCADA, sensors, smart metering, and other systems, will contribute to effective decision-making, improved efficiency, and better overall management of the water supply infrastructure. The achievement of these goals will be finally achieved through systematic monitoring of critical parameters, continuous qualitative and quantitative control, active leakage detection and limitation of the network’s damages.